School Policies 2024-25 (until website is fully updated)
Lahainaluna Dress Code Policy
The decision to revise the dress code policy was made after careful consideration and with the following goals in mind:
- Promote a Positive Learning Environment: We believe a learning environment that prioritizes comfort, flexibility, and inclusivity fosters the best academic outcomes for all students.
- Reduce Dress Code Violations: The previous uniform policy may have unintentionally caused unnecessary stress for students and families to ensure students had a clean uniform shirt. Simplifying the policy minimizes time out of the classroom and allows students to focus on learning.
- Reflect Student and Faculty Input: We actively sought input from students and faculty through surveys and discussions. This update reflects the feedback received.
Updated Dress Code:
Students must wear:
- Top (shirt, blouse, sweater, sweatshirt, tank, etc.);
- Bottom (pants, shorts, skirt, dress, etc.); and
- Footwear.
Students may not wear clothing, jewelry, or personal items that:
- Are pornographic, contain threats, or promote/suggest illegal or violent conduct such as the unlawful use of weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia;
- Demonstrate hate group association/affiliation and/or use hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or other protected groups;
- Intentionally show private parts (nipples, genitals, buttocks). Clothing must cover private parts in opaque (not able to be seen-through) material;
- Swimsuits are not allowed;
- Cover the student’s face to the extent that the student is not identifiable;
- Demonstrate gang association/affiliation.
This policy allows for the implementation of supplemental student dress code requirements in specific circumstances:
- To prioritize safety: In academic settings where safety is paramount, such as physical education, science labs, or Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, additional attire requirements may be mandated.
- For curricular purposes: Courses or events that integrate attire as a learning element, such as those focused on professionalism, public speaking, or job readiness, may have specific dress code expectations.
- For extracurricular activities: Participation in athletics, clubs, and boarding activities may necessitate designated student attire.
Exceptions and Enforcements
The administration will address special circumstances or exceptions for religious or medical reasons individually. All students are expected to adhere to Lahainaluna High School’s Dress Code Policy while on campus before, during, and after school. All LHS faculty and staff will monitor and enforce the dress code policy.
Lahainaluna Attendance Policy
The DOE’s Vision for Hawaii Public Schools is “Hawaii’s Schools will be safe, nurturing learning environments where all students achieve high academic standards, attain skills necessary to reach their goals and meet their potential, and are contributing members of society.” To accomplish this at Lahainaluna High School, we must work together to diminish absenteeism and increase opportunities for success in school. Please contact administration or counselors for support in helping students attend school regularly and on time.
This document was created in accordance with the HIDOE School Attendance Procedures written in September 2021. If an updated policy is published, Lahainaluna will update this policy as appropriate.
Tardy to Class
Students need to be in their classes on time and ready to learn. A student will be considered “tardy” when they arrive after the start of the class. Late arrivals disrupt class activities and other students’ learning. All Lahainaluna students are expected to maintain a positive learning environment while on campus.
Students who are tardy will go directly to their first class of the day.
During the school day, there may be a “Tardy Sweep” when students do not arrive to class on time. Students will receive immediate consequences during tardy sweeps.
Classroom Teachers will submit referrals in Infinite Campus for Excessive Tardies.
Truancy is defined as a student who is absent from school (not on school campus) without authorization from the principal or designee. The School Administration will handle truancy as outlined by DOE Chapter 19 Regulations. Administration may refer students who are truant to the Maui Police Department and/or Family Court in compliance with §302A-1132 Compulsory Education laws. Pursuant to H.R.S. 571-11(2), Family Court can place a child under jurisdiction for truancy if the child is not attending school or is not receiving the educational services required by law.
Students are considered chronically absent when they accumulate 15 absences throughout the year (equivalent to 3.75 days per quarter). The concerns for chronically absent students (See: Absenteeism) are the academic problems that can result from the lost classroom time. LHS Staff will monitor students with multiple absences to ensure parents are aware and the student can be supported.
- When a student has FIVE (5) absences, the student’s Po‘okela teacher will contact the parent or guardian on file, the grade-level counselor, and the administrator.
- When a student reaches TEN (10) absences, the student’s grade-level counselor will contact the student’s parent or guardian on file.
- The counselor will review the attendance procedures with the parent or guardian.
- If the contact with the parent or guardian was a phone call, the counselor will provide the school’s progressive attendance procedures in writing.
- When a student reaches FIFTEEN (15) absences, the student is now considered “chronically absent.” The grade-level administrator will send home a letter and request a guardian meeting.
- At TWENTY-FIVE (25) absences, the grade-level administrator will send home a letter advising that the next steps include reporting the absences to family court.
- At THIRTY-FIVE (35) absences, the grade-level administrator will make a referral to Family Court.
Excusing Absences
A note or email is required for Lahainaluna to excuse an absence. Notes must include the following: student’s full name, date of absence(s), reason for absence, and Parent/Guardian signature. Unexcused absences may influence classroom procedures, including assignments and assessments.
Examples of Excused Absences:
- Illness (absences exceeding five days require a doctor’s note)
- Medical/Dental appointments (we highly encourage you to make these appointments outside of school hours)
- Required court appointments
- Death in the family
- Special requests from guardians (pre-arranged with the Principal)
Examples of Unexcused Absences:
- Oversleeping/alarm failure
- Arriving to class with less than half of the class period left
- Leaving class or school campus during the regular school day without approval from a school official or other non-emergency situations.
- Personal grooming appointments (hair, nails, etc.)
- Employment/job interview
- Shopping/errands
- Driver's Education (classroom or behind the wheel)
- Family vacation/non-school-related sporting events
- Needed at home/babysitting
- Transportation issues (car trouble, missing the bus/ride)
Class Cutting
Class cutting occurs when a student does not report to class and is unsupervised on campus. It creates an unsafe learning environment and is not permitted. Students who are in violation of class cutting will be verified for Chapter 19, Class C, and will be given consequences. Students who consistently cut class or refuse to report to class impact the safety of the school.
Classroom Teachers will submit referrals in Infinite Campus for Class Cuts, and the following progressive disciplinary actions will take place.
- For each Class Cut, the student will receive 1 hour of detention.
- After (5) Class Cuts, a meeting with the grade-level counselor, student, parent, and grade-level administrator will be scheduled.