Science: Zoology

Mr. Matt O'Brien
LHS Science Teacher
808-662-4000 ext.310

Course: Zoology 'The Study of Animals'. Zoology is a course that will survey the nine major phyla of the kingdom Animalia. Zoology is the study of animal life. Zoologists research everything they think to ask about animals, including their anatomy and interrelationships, their physiology and genetics, and their distributions and habitats.
Important Information
Students will be using Google Classroom as their personal curriculum for this course. Worksheets for the course are available on G.C. to print or @ liveworksheets. Students can also copy them by hand into their notebooks. The details of each assignment are available at G.C. on the STREAM tab. The due dates/pacing for assignments are on the CLASSWORK tab.  Assignments are grouped in 4-5 assignments for each week. Students progress and grading will be at the end of each week, where the work will be assessed and graded and input into Infinite Campus.  Each week is equivalent to 1 quarter of regular school time. Students should be working for the same amount of time they would normally be at school.  Weekend work may be necessary in order to keep up with the class pacing.
All of the work you do should be kept in a Binder/Notebook, and you will 'share' it with me through 'pics', as well as 'shared' through the online platforms below. Share your work at the end of each week, for a grade.  
Students are encouraged to email me whenever there is a concern about the course.  Extensions for work time will have to be approved by me. 
Please register your student account to these 3 sites as we will be using them soon, email me for the codes! If you do not register you cannot complete some of the assignments.
1) Google Classroom 
Mr. Matthew O'Brien
LHS Science
808-662-4000 ext.310